“Hygeia Guesthouse” for the temporary accommodation of families with children in need of hospitalization
“Hygeia Guesthouse” for the temporary accommodation of families with children in need of hospitalization

Funded by Kindernothilfe

Project Progress for the Period 01.07.2021 until 30.09.2021

Number of beneficiaries during reporting period: Six (6) minors in need of hospitalization, six (6) minors who followed their parents when moving (siblings) and ten
(10) parents/guardians

Services during reporting period: Provision of hospitality for parents/guardians and minor family members, psychosocial support for beneficiaries, facilitation of

access to health care, educational and recreational activities for minors.

Description of activities:
Provision of hospitality for parents/guardians and minor family members: To ensure safe and decent living conditions for the families, Zeuxis fully equipped the Guest
House “Hygeia”.,, which is conveniently located in the center of Athens. Upon arrival, the beneficiaries are informed in a language they understand about their rights
and obligations, the rules of the Guesthouse and the services provided. They can use a fully equipped kitchen to prepare meals and receive cash allowance, if
necessary, material support, tickets for public transport etc.

Recruitment and training of staff The Guesthouse is staffed with a Coordinator, a social worker, a psychologist, an educator and caregivers and operates according to
its Regulation of operation. All provided services are supervised by an experienced scientific team and supported by the headquarters’ staff (administration,
procurement, HR etc).

Psychosocial support: Ten (10) minors received psychological support by an experienced psychologist through individual sessions. The sessions take place upon
arrival, then according to a weekly psychosocial program or when deemed necessary by the scientific team. Ten (10) parents and guardians received regular
psychological support s to cope with the stressful situation. The sessions took place upon arrival, then according to a weekly psychosocial program or when deemed
necessary by the scientific team, to empower parents and guardians to deal with any possible long-term challenges arising from the illness and treatment and to
better respond to their role in the long- run. The social worker supported six (6) families with their cases through individual sessions, facilitated their access and
communication with hospitals, supported access to health care and arranged Covid 19 vaccination appointments.

Educational and recreational activities: The educator with the help of the care givers provided care and activities for six (6) minors. The educational and recreational
activities included lessons, games, workshops on health issues/protection, excursions, visits to museums etc

Transparency: ZEUXIS conducted an outreach campaign to various stakeholders such as the Ministry of Asylum and Migration (Receptions and Identification Centers
on the islands, Open Accommodation Centers in the mainland), the National Organization for Public Health, the National Center for Social Solidarity, public hospitals,
local authorities (municipalities), international Organizations , various health associations and solidarity networks and NGOs as well as the migrant and refugee
community. The campaign clearly identified the scope of the project and informed potential beneficiaries about selection criteria. To this end, Zeuxis also prepared,
translated and distributed leaflets with all the necessary information. Information material was sent to the press and ZEUXIS announced the operation of “Hygeia”
Guesthouse on migrant and refugee networks.


The Athens Coordination Center for Migrant & Refugee Issues
The Greek Patients Association 
Refugee Info 
The press 
Zeuxis’ internet page and social media:


For more info:

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